The people going to work offshore, although may be for a samall duration also need to undergo a medical fitness tes at an authorised medical center for their OGUK Certification. The offshore Medical Examination and physical fitness certification is vital to their Employment.The judgement or experience of the medical practitioner si final. Seafarers medical examination form is to be completed and,
The identity of the Person to be examined should be verified. The number of his or her passport or other relevant identity document should be entered on the examination form.
The examinee’s intended position on board ship and, as far as practicable, the physical and mental demands of this work and the anticipated voyage pattern should be established.Point-by-point questions on the details of previous diseases and injuries should be asked and the results recorded. Details of other diseases or injuries not covered should also be recorded. After the information is collected, the examinee should sign the form to certify that to the best of his/her knowledge it is a true statement. An individual should not, however, bear the burden of proof concerning the consequences of illness, past or present, on his or her fitness for work. The examinee’s previous medical records, where appropriate and available, should be reviewed. The physical examination and the necessary additional examination needs to be carried out thoroughly.
The seafarer should come 8 to 10 hours fasting. For further details please contact
Dr.Ashok Kapoor 00971504505865 Getwell Medical Center. Dubai.