Homoeopathy The Surer, Safer and Swifter Way to Cure What is Homoeopathy? Homoeopathy (Homeopathy) is an alternative method of treatment, based on the nature’s Law of Cure, namely “Like Cures Like“. Homoeopathy is scientific, logical, safe, quick and extremely effective method of healing. It offers long lasting to permanent cure, treating the disease from its…

Dr Kamal Hormazd Sidhwa B.H.M.S. (Bom), h.M.D (Lon) Homoeopathic Practitioner

Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) Offshore Medical Offshore Oil & Gas Medicals & Assessments Offshore medicals are carried out to ensure an individual is fit to work in an offshore oil and gas exploration and production environment and travel to a specific country, and to promote good health in general.   OGUK Offshore Medicals Offshore…

The Bruce Treadmill Test Protocol A Fitness Evaluation Used to Measure VO2 Max Stress test is a non-invasive procedure done by cardiologist to evaluate various aspects of Cardiorespratory system. In a normal person it can evaluate the exercise efficiency and so in Athelets. It can many a times detect underlying Coronary artery disease . It…

The Bruce treadmill test protocol was designed in 1963 by Robert. A. Bruce, MD, as non-invasive test to assess patients with suspected heart disease. In a clinical setting, the Bruce treadmill test is sometimes called a stress test or exercise tolerance test. Today, the Bruce Protocol is also one common method for estimating VO2 max…

HEART CHEQ Echocardiography What is Echocardiography? Echocardiography is a painless and non-invasive technique that uses ultrasound to image the heart in real time. One, two or three-dimensional images of the heart are displayed on the screen and the flow of blood across the valves can be seen. Without any risk to the patient valuable information…

A carotid Doppler is an ultrasound based imaging test used to examine the carotid arteries located in the neck. This test can show narrowing or possible blockages due to plaque buildup in the arteries due to multiple aetiological reasons. An ultrasound probe is used a that is called as transducer that is placed on the…

  The Brain stroke is a debilitating medical condition and the risk factors like Hypertension, increased cholesterol, Diabetes mellitus, smoking , stressful environment etc act in multiple ways causing brain artery clotting and leading to stroke and paralysis. One of the screening method is look at the Carotid arteries for and plaque, cholestrol deposition by…

ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY.   The Heart Cheq up needs to be comprehensive and many a information is achieved by the test called ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY. An echocardiogram is a test that looks at the heart’s activity through ultrasound waves. It is used when doctors need to diagnose heart conditions such as heart disease or monitor a heart condition. Types of…

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