Heart and Sudden Cardiac Death (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) Please tell me What are sudden cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death? Also called as cardiac arrest ,Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a sudden, unexpected death caused by loss of heart function (sudden cardiac arrest). Sudden cardiac death is the largest cause of natural death.. Sudden cardiac…

  HEART –THE PALPITATION A SYMPTOM   What are heart palpitations? Heart palpitations are heartbeat sensations that you suddenly become aware of because they feel like your heart is “pounding” or “racing.” They may feel like you have exercised or they may feel like a flutter, a skipped or extra beat, or a heartbeat that…

Hypertension questionnaire – A physician needs to know the following about the person having hypertension 1. When was your patient first noted to be hypertensive and what were the blood pressure readings at that time? 2. Have investigations been made to determine the cause? If so, what were the results and final diagnosis? 3. Has…

ECG in acute coronary syndrome Patients presenting acutely unwell secondary to compromised myocardial blood supply are said to be suffering from an acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Based on clinical findings, ECG abnormalities and blood test analysis, acute coronary syndromes can be divided into three categories: – ST elevation MI (STEMI)  correlates with complete vessel occlusion…

Heart Disease Heart Diseases are of many types. Here’s where to get quick facts on each one — including warning signs and symptoms. Manifestations Symptoms of Heart Disease Here’s a fast, easy-to-understand guide to the symptoms of each type of heart disease. Warning When to Call for medical Doctor If you or a loved one…

Hypertension , many a times can get accelerated or get very high due to many food additives. A 65-year-old woman with previously well controlled hypertension on a single medication presented to the emergency room with acute, symptomatic hypertension with blood pressures running 200s/140s. Despite IV medications, her hypertension remained refractory to treatment. This prompted a…

ECG  is the electrical activity of the heart recorded in each heart beat. the electricity produced in teh heart is recorded by the surface electrodes placed on teh body at varios sites. it looks at theheart from various angles and hence is a very useful and informative test in the diagnosis of the heart disease….

Heart Diseases effect the structure and function of the Heart.The common diseases effecting the heart are widely classified as follows 1.Coronary artery disease , also called as Ischaemic heart disease or the Atherosclerotic heart disease causes the obstruction of blood flow in the arteries of the Heart. 2.Valvular Heart disease The major four valves of…

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